
God’s Passion for His Glory: Living the Vision of Jonathan Edwards is unavailable, but you can change that!

Half Edwards and half Piper, this ECPA Gold Medallion winner brings the God-entranced passion of Jonathan Edwards into the twenty-first century. Piper passionately demonstrates the relevance of Edwards’s ideals for the personal and public lives of Christians today through his own book-length introduction to Edwards’s The End for Which God Created the World. In this essay, Edwards proclaims that...

The reason for this sweeping indictment of God-neglecting “virtue” is not hard to see in Edward’s God-centered universe: “So far as a virtuous mind exercises true virtue in benevolence to created beings, it chiefly seeks the good of the creature, consisting in its knowledge or view of God’s glory and beauty, its union with God, and conformity to him, love to him, and joy in him.”43 In other words, if God’s glory is the only all-satisfying reality in the universe, then to try to do good for people,
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